A quick, tasty tomato soup, made with fat-free evaporated milk, canned tomatoes, and chicken, is dressed up with seasonings and Parmesan Cheese making...
Exotic spices and flavors of fresh tomatoes from the garden blend with onions, garlic, fresh herbs, dry vermouth and Gorgonzola cheese to present a gourmet...
Simple, inexpensive, and hearty. My boyfriend and I love this different take on boring tomato soup. Best of all, it is very low in calories. Add shrimp...
This tastes just like the tomato basil soup they serve at Applebee's®. The hubs loved it so that's saying something! I always add a pinch of sugar to...
This is a very quick and easy vegetable soup that is great to take camping or backpacking. We like it at home for just dinner too. Goes great with quick...
This tastes just like the tomato basil soup they serve at Applebee's®. The hubs loved it so that's saying something! I always add a pinch of sugar to...
This tastes just like the tomato basil soup they serve at Applebee's®. The hubs loved it so that's saying something! I always add a pinch of sugar to...
This is a very quick and easy vegetable soup that is great to take camping or backpacking. We like it at home for just dinner too. Goes great with quick...
This is a deliciously creamy tomato soup with the essence of basil. Using coconut milk instead of cream creates a rich in flavor and tasty dairy-free,...
This is a creamy, rich, delicious soup. Most of the people I cook for are very picky and this one turned out to be a crowd pleaser. Serve with fresh Italian...
This is a creamy, rich, delicious soup. Most of the people I cook for are very picky and this one turned out to be a crowd pleaser. Serve with fresh Italian...
This is a creamy, rich, delicious soup. Most of the people I cook for are very picky and this one turned out to be a crowd pleaser. Serve with fresh Italian...
Just the thing for a cold wintry night. Here is a wonderfully easy recipe for traditional Indian tomato soup. It is ready in a jiffy, tastes wonderful,...
I had this in a restaurant and came up with a great recipe to mimic it. This soup is lemony and full of great dill flavors. It makes a popular first course...
I used a shallow bowl for this recipe so that the scallops can be seen rather than sinking to the bottom. This recipe is very quick to make and an elegant...
I used a shallow bowl for this recipe so that the scallops can be seen rather than sinking to the bottom. This recipe is very quick to make and an elegant...
This simple, quick and easy recipe for homemade fresh tomato soup is perfect to make when tomatoes are ripe in gardens and farmers' markets for a delicious...
This tasty soup has a mildly sweet flavor and provides a warm rounded meal for a cool autumn evening. Also works great for a make-ahead weeknight meal!...
This tasty soup has a mildly sweet flavor and provides a warm rounded meal for a cool autumn evening. Also works great for a make-ahead weeknight meal!...
New Jersey is a well-known producer of tomatoes. Having our own garden leaves us with an abundance at the end of the season. Not wanting the tomatoes to...
My Grandmother had eight children. Needless to say she learned how to cook with a little bit of nothing and make do with what she had. This was and still...
A quick, tasty tomato soup, made with fat-free evaporated milk, canned tomatoes, and chicken, is dressed up with seasonings and Parmesan Cheese making...
We're doing a very fresh twist on the classic cream of tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. Since we're using fresh tomatoes at their peak of vine-ripened...
Tasty, good-for-you soup with a few variations to try! Either serve as it is, or puree half the solids and return to pot, or puree all the solids. Serve...
Tasty, good-for-you soup with a few variations to try! Either serve as it is, or puree half the solids and return to pot, or puree all the solids. Serve...
Beginning with my Fast Chicken Soup Base it is easy to knock hours off of the cooking time usually needed for homemade chicken soup and still end up with...
We're doing a very fresh twist on the classic cream of tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. Since we're using fresh tomatoes at their peak of vine-ripened...
I whipped this delicious soup up on a chilly day when a friend and I both craved our favorite cold weather combo, grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato...
This tomato bisque has it all! A creamy, tomato base with chunks of crushed tomatoes and jalapeno peppers, and some extra heat from cayenne pepper, chipotle...
This is the best to-die-for fire-roasted tomato soup! It can be made for Italian tastes or Mexican tastes! My favorite is the Mexican! Cilantro is the...
I whipped this delicious soup up on a chilly day when a friend and I both craved our favorite cold weather combo, grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato...
My husband wanted an easy dinner so I thought, 'How about soup and BLTs?' When I was at the grocery store, roma tomatoes were on sale and it came to me:...
This is a modified version of a recipe that I found on another site. Either canned or cooked black beans can be used. This soup freezes well and I usually...
Pressure cooking is making a comeback! This comfort soup is a perfect example of why. It is all-day-cooking-taste with little effort. This is one of my...